sounds like a shit site
stop going there
Age 33, Male
University of Toledo
Joined on 6/19/05
sounds like a shit site
stop going there
funniest thing about stormfront: the pictures of the users
lol, jk dude :P I actually completely agree with you. My gf is black, and so are 3 of my friends, but I actually never see them as "black people". Just as "my girlfriend" and "friends". People really have major issues nowadays. But yet again, this IS the internet, don't complain about what people are, just ignore them and they go away.
I just went to see it the minute I finished read your post, and I was pissed off. Why does this site exist, and who is running it?
Offensive racist cock joke.
Hey man I agree with you completely. It's kinda sad, that some people still harbour those kind of thoughts towards blacks. It pisses me off the most, but you know what, Thing's will never change on the internet, people will say whatever the hell they want knowing there won't be any consequence on their part. There are site's like stormfront, some that I discovered by accident while browsing forums. I'm not gonna put newgrounds on a "Golden-coloured pedestal", cause there's some of that here. No were near as bad as stormfront (judging by your lengthy post), but it's still here nonetheless.
All I can say is don't let it bother you, just let it go and move on.
My best friend is Asian and he registered on Stormfront 2 years ago as JEW-PWNERER lmao. We were reading the shit on the site.. It's so stupid.. So stupid it's funny.
But yeah racism is stupid. The amount of times my friends and I have had to deal with randoms making rude racist remarks to my friend because of him being Chinese is just a joke.
Don't let the trailer trash get to you, their opinions are about as valid as a food coupon from 1942.
Wait, on what forum did your friend get harrased?
racism is funny, though only when used as a joke light heartily. When people actually believe in it, it blows my mind.
Skrew off blacky
That's exactly what I think. I have no problems with jokes. If a comment was meant to be taken as a joke, then it should be a joke.
you know, i liked the whole speech. ALL. Until that very last line.
"I'm really interested in seeing how YungJazz and other black artist feel about this."
well, I, as an individual, take that as you ONLY wanna hear about black artists. That's kinda racist. Im not sayin YOU are, but that last line is.
Personally, i think its stupid. If there was a dude born with bronze skin, should we outcast him? If he does something wrong, should we always think he's gonna do it again? Isnt he human?
The world is fucked up. So is the Internet. So is this site. So is everything. Unfortunately, there is nothing you can do to change it. There will always be people tryin to harm, even emotionally, other people. It's human nature.
Dont let other people's opinions affect your opinion.
I don't only want to hear from black artists, I'm just interested in how other black people feel about the situation, sorry about that.
I'm black too, but I Don't think I've heard any racial slurs from newgrounds, mainly because they most likey dont know I am..
But I have heard them IRL, and they're just plain stupid, so i just ignore..
Racial slurs don't bother me anymore either.
If you watch the movie: "Bowling for Columbine" You'll realize why people are so racist.
I'll look it up.
I agree, I am mainly 50% Black and 50% White and usually when I tell people that I am half-black, some people begin telling me why I'm not dressing like a gang member and that it is a bad thing to have an interracial family with a Ethiopian mom and Caucasian dad. Something else is when people assume that I get angry easily because I have black rage and when I "release" it, I would stab someone. It pisses me off so much because of how offensive it is, but I don't want to make a move because they will begin saying that all black people get angry and I want to prove them wrong. The worst thing is when people begin to act as if they are more superior than I am because I am black well half black. Seriously, there is no need for racism "We were all created equal" and that is it. Just because I am black doesn't make me different from someone who is white or Asian and your rule.
"The most I can do to show these people that the black race doesn't spawn crime is to do well myself, and live my life to the best of my ability." Is something I live by too, just ignore everyone who is putting you down because your black and just live your life the way you want it lived.
I am really glad you posted this!
We should all mass spam their forum.
I'm an Irish Scandinavian, so I'm as white as can be, but you'll be hard-pressed to find someone of any race or creed who hates white supremacists as much as I do.
Racism doesn't make much sense to me. No matter what color someone is, they're still human, and that is what matters. Screw those Stormfront jerks. >:(
According to some scientists, there is evidence that whites and blacks both came from the same ancestor.
I don't see why racism even exists, i mean, okay i make racist jokes to my Thai friend, but he finds them funny and also makes racist jokes about white people. But in the end, we're not very serious. So i think it's just hard for some people to understand that things that are different, actually aren't that different afterall, if you get what i mean?
It's just frustrating to see how much racism exists around the world. But then again, the world sucks, there's nothing we can do about it.
One of the the worst things is white people who act all gangster and say they are black. AND MEAN IT. Calling each other the N word and everything. It's ridiculous. There really shouldn't be guys who act like this in Kansas. I'm sorry all this crap happened to ya. I'm really not racist at all, to any culture, so it gets me frustrated when a racist conversation of such turns into a huge argument at my school. Sometimes I read things online shunning or totally disrespecting the black community or other cultures like the Germans and Chinese. Did you know that there is even a petition to NUKE Kansas because the guy things everyone there are morons and are useless? Come on!
Man If I had a nickel every time I heard one of my friends say something like this. I'm also black and I've study the issue of racism for a long time. Racism is a delusion of granduer(spelled that wrong) that some people have, but it didn't happen by accident. If more people study the deeper TRUER parts of history, they would know that racism is an illusion that was created by wealthy people/ so that poor white and poor black people would fight each other instead of fight against the corrupt government. This is the case for over 400 years of american society. you may be saying what does this have to do with anything. But I'm terlling you this so you have something to tell the racist people on stormfront. Basically tell them that there view is a lie that basically has been fed to them.
Now there is one thing here that bothers me more than anything else that has been said here: "Afircans haven't contributed to the world." This is a comeplete bullshit statement. If they really studied history, they would know that is utter crap. Not only did humanity begin in Africa, but Africans have been responsible for some of the greatest findings of the world. Mathematics, believe me or not was created by Africans waaaaaaay before the Greeks got a hold of it or even heard of it. This is in early B. C. my friend. In fact at least, 85% of all Greek culture was borrowed(almost stolen) from African societies in Egypt. This means mud and stone monuments, Mathematics, tracking time, all began in Africa. What began in Europe? The use of gunpowder as a weapon(gunpowder was actually created in China and use ffor decorative purposes). That is about the only thing white people have been responsible for. not saying that all white people are horrible creatures, just that Africans have indeed contributed to society more than any white person.
You see the thing about today is that when your a certain race(esspecially if you're black) then people who share your race automatically expect something out of you. A ghetto, gang leader who loves hip-hop. So the image is created that this is acually fact that black people are dumber or inferior to white people. This was somethign that was forced into american society that most people don't know. I have actually studied statistically why there are more black people in jail than any other race. about 18% of our society is black. 80% is white. statistically speaking, if crime happened all over the country by every kind of person(which it does), then there would have to be more whites than blacks in prison. but this is clearly not the case. with harsher laws and stronger "wars on drugs" the government has been able to get police forces to arrest black peopl more often. White peopl e are just as guilty as the hoodlums of ghetto culture. They simple haven't been trialed for it. I other words I'm saying that, most of the shit these ass masters have been pulling out of there shit sack is well...shit. If you want more proof of this I'd reccomend reading Howard Zinn's "A people's history of the world." I don't know how much you are into history or reading, but again the point is that these people are lying not just to you, but to themselves.
okay I left that comment before I actually saw the sight. WTF man? how did you even wind up on that sight? it's much worse than I thought.
I liked your beginning joke.