Apologies for the lack of clarity; in the third paragraph I was saying that passwords on sites with attempt limits would not be beaten by dictionary attacks, yet still the 'one number rule' makes other tactics for breaking into a person's account less effective.
Also, how do sharks swim in a city?
It makes it slightly easier to brute force a password.
However, brute force takes an age anyway, and with websites such as Newgrounds performing a 3 failed attempts lockout rule, a brute force is completely non-viable.
What the number system does prevent is a dictionary attack. Many people just use an English word for a password, and that cuts out a lot of possibilities. Forcing people to add at least one number makes a dictionary attack impossible (unless they program it to put in [dictionaryword+"1"], but it still does a good job of protecting those who don't just put a one at the end).
Again, sites with an attempt limit still won't be beaten by it, but then it also makes more difficult several other strategies (eg. people who decide to put their password as their favourite food or game character, or those who would otherwise use the same password for every site).
Also, nice pic!