My train of thought.
Why don't people review as they vote? Or at least review and vote better. A lot of people vote either 0 or 5 based on if it was decent or not, and that really seems ridiculous. Why only use the top and the bottom choices for voting. I think it's because people are too lazy to actually review a submission fully.
Like on reviews, when people give a movie a review score of below 4, do you REALLY think that the flash you reviewed deserves a score of 4? I can understand if it's not your type of movie, but when you give a movie a 0 is basically saying that you feel that it shouldn't even be on the site. If a movie isn't your cup of tea, you should still review apathetically (did I use that word right?)
At least that's what I think. A review is always going to be your opinion but I think you should try to take some of the personal feelings out of reviewing and voting and look at work from a neutral standpoint. Like, every so often I'll go to one of the top 50 submissions and look for people who 0 it. I mean, do these people really feel that those movies deserved to be blammed?
Look at these reviews for Waterlollies. I can't really say it makes me mad, but damn. ws/408967/469/score
Good animation, but who wants to see something hopping around for 8 minutes? Waterlollies didn't even have much hopping in it from what I remember, seeing as how he was incapacitated. Like, people are giving Waterlollies a 4 because they think that the story sucked. Does that submission really deserve a 2.00 because the story wasn't up to par with you?
Look at this guy. ws/
I mean, if your going to try to review things, at least try to be consistent. He gave Waterlollies a 4, Awesome Racer a 6 and Awesome Center Redux a 9. IMO there are so many contradictions in that kind of reviewing.
I dunno. Just something I was thinking about, I had to put it somewhere. I'm not complaining about the site or how it's going downhill blah blah blah, I'm just saying that reviews don't really seem to correlate to what people think the movie should be rated anymore.
Skeik (Updated )
I didn't watch NG war. What's that?
Oh wait, listening to it now